Editor, Layout and Technical Affairs: SIMOURQ Publication Luxembourg
Cover Design: SIMOURQ Printing House - Luxembourg
Physical Description: Two Volumes, 1000 pages, non-illustrated
ISBN: 9789998799714
Subject: Historical (Critique of Quran Commentators and Events of the 1979 Revolution)
Language: Persian
All material and intellectual rights of this work belong to SIMOURQ Publication, and any alteration or copying will be legally pursued.
About the Book :
"The Broken Mirror of History" is a work written with the aim of examining the conditions, reasons, and factors of the 1979 Revolution in Iran. Morteza Iraei, the author, uses as many Persian words as possible instead of Arabic, presenting a different perspective on the 1979 Revolution to the reader. At the beginning of the book, he states: "Today, if a friend wishes for a text without Arabic words, I cannot fulfill that as the words we know are intertwined with Arabic, learned during our years of education. Thus, this book, which exceeds 900 pages with only 150 pages written in the modern style, may lack comprehensibility in some parts as Persian words are used throughout the rest of the text."
The author meticulously divides his valuable historical work into two sections: examining the factors of the 1979 Revolution and, with a fearless and investigative pen, critiques the writings of Quranic commentators. He proudly discusses the simple-mindedness of religious shopkeepers. In part of this book, he states: "The human mind is always ready to wander like running water, and only the dam of wisdom can prevent this wandering."
Through this precious book, we understand that the contemporary history of Iran, especially in the fields of religious critique and myth-busting, is presented impartially and with documentation. The author describes his motivation for writing this book: "Six months before the tree of change bore fruit in Iran and Khomeini's chaos took hold—or rather, when Khomeini's first images were painted on walls and his tapes reached his supporters—I began reading the Quran to better understand Islam. The readings I had before were insufficient for my thoughts. Friends and informed people around me suggested 'Twenty-Three Years' by the great writer and politician Ali Dashti, but accessing it was difficult. So, I concluded that no text but the Quran could help me reach my goals. Years later, when I accessed Dashti's 'Twenty-Three Years,' I found most of the points I had noted from the Quran for my motives were already written by Dashti."
In addition, the author discusses topics from the covert arrival of General Huyser to neutralize the Shah's army in Iran to the inconsistent behavior and speech of Dr. Mossadegh. He addresses Carter's thoughts, the public mindset in the final years of the Shah's reign, and the Shah's own mistakes. Various books on the Iranian Revolution have been published, but many unfortunately reveal the author's bias. The author's goal with this book is to record history without bias, presenting documents and the truth.
Address: SIMOURQ / 9, Place du Marché / L-6460 Echternach / LUXEMBOURG
The responsibility for all content and sources mentioned in this book lies with the author, and SIMOURQ Publication does not accept any responsibility or liability for the book's text.