In memory of the late Farzin DUSTDAR, an encourager and supporter of the establishment of the SIMOURQ Association

Promoting kindness among people and cultures

" The world will become paradise if we, as humans, learn to help others instead of rewarding received help, without expecting anything in return. It's no longer a transaction or an expectation, but the beginning of a human chain to build paradise on earth "

According to the words of Farzin DUSTDAR

The late Farzin DUSTDAR was a kind man who always laughed and helped everyone with kindness, regardless of their religious, ethnic, or political beliefs. The SIMOURQ Association was founded and operates in his memory, following the example of Farzin DUSTDAR's human actions and beliefs.

"The SIMOURQ Association believes in spreading culture and safeguarding the Persian language as a pillar of Aryan cultural identity. Our aim is to assist in immigrant integration and promote kindness among cultures in Luxembourg. Our association remains independent of any political, religious, or nationalist ideologies. We kindly request refraining from passing judgment or labeling our activities before evaluating them."

Completely autonomous, without any specific financial, governmental, or organizational support

Our services at the SIMOURQ Association contribute to the integration of immigrants in Luxembourg

Our goal is to raise awareness among immigrants and contribute to their integration into Luxembourgish society. We will persevere even when faced with numerous obstacles because we believe in our mission and are not motivated by personal gain. Our objective is to build a society based on humanity rather than class divisions.


«Immigrants are like birds seeking a king or a utopia. But they do not know that everything is within their own being; they just have to learn, integrate, and improve»


An independent multilingual daily information platform and a comprehensive database of general information based in Luxembourg

Guide to Life in Luxembourg

Forms and necessary information for administrative requests in Luxembourg with guides and translations in Persian

Document Translation

Verbal translation and document translation in Arabic, Kurdish, Persian, French, German, English at a very low cost

Luxembourg info

Information group related to immigration, education, residency, work, asylum, administration, etc., and life in Luxembourg

Audio Books

Audio books prepared and produced at the SIMOURQ studio

Hamzaban Podcast

Educational podcast with a touch of humor and friendly interviews for Persian speakers living in Luxembourg

Video Production

Professional team at SIMOURQ creating and editing short and long-form videos, including music

Second-hand Classifieds Group

Publish free ads for buying, selling, renting, and giving away: cars, real estate and apartments, mobile phones and tablets, bicycles, used appliances... jobs and services... ceremonies and celebrations in Luxembourg


The SIMOURQ association has been accredited by the Ministry of National Education as an adult training center

Printing Service

Printing and graphic design services for the benefit of SIMOURQ Association activities at a minimal cost

Website Creation

Web design services for associations and sponsors of the SIMOURQ Association, benefiting SIMOURQ Association activities at a minimal cost

Leisure Programs

Recreational, sports, and educational programs: hiking (HamPa), cycling (HamRekab), fishing (HamQolab), barbecue and picnics (HamSafa)

Support us with financial donations to sustain our activities

Being generous exceeds financial capability;

it requires a big heart

Non-profit organizations (associations) are non-governmental entities that provide free services, not for profit and without charges, established not to generate income. To cover expenses and broaden the scope of their activities, these associations resort to various solutions, one being financial support or DONATION. Your financial and spiritual support enhances the quality and promotion of our activities, and we rely on your cooperation for the continuity of these endeavors.

Les médias: un reflet sélectif de la société

Le royaume d'Ehsan Tarinia est un petit bureau avec vue sur la place du marché d'Echternach. Loin des médias dominants, qui ont presque tous leur siège dans la capitale, le centre politique du pays, M. Tarinia, qui est arrivé d'Iran au Luxembourg en 2005 et y a demandé l'asile, écrit des nouvelles pour la plateforme d'information Simourq News qu'il a fondée .... read more

Nachrichten in vier Sprachen von Einwanderern für Einwanderer

Offiziellen Angaben des Statec zufolge leben rund 1.600 Zugewanderte aus dem persischen Kulturkreis (Afghanistan, Iran und Tadschikistan) in Luxemburg. Die Vereinigung „Simourq“, die sich als Bindeglied und Integrationsplattform für diese Gemeinschaft sieht, stellte kürzlich ihre eigene Nachrichtenseite „“ vor. Nachrichten aus und über Luxemburg für Immigranten  .... read more