Book Title: "Civil Ethics: Behavioral Patterns in Democratic Societies"
Author: Farah Dustdar
Publisher: Hoda Publications
Printing: SIMOURQ Cultural Association
First Edition, 2022, Luxembourg
ISBN: 9789998786813
Physical Specifications: One Volume, 172 Pages
Language: Persian
Book Introduction:
The latest work by Dr. Farah Dustdar, a researcher in political and social sciences, is titled "Civil Ethics: Behavioral Patterns in Democratic Societies."
A free and democratic society requires a set of valid ethical rules, norms, and standards accepted by all citizens to regulate social relationships as behavioral models.
In this collection, an attempt has been made to focus specifically on principles that can be discussed as the content of an ethical agreement in civil society.
Address: SIMOURQ asbl / 9, Place du Marché / L-6460 Echternach / LUXEMBOURG
The responsibility for all the content and resources mentioned in this book lies solely with the author, and SIMOURQ Association does not accept any responsibility or commitment regarding the book's content.
Audio Book
"Civil Ethics" Audiobook written by Dr. Farah Dustdar
Produced by SIMOURQ Association
All rights, both material and intellectual, to this audio work belong to SIMOURQ Association, and any infringement or copying will be legally pursued.